Trend Micro’s Third Quarter Threat Report has Google at the top spot for having 82 reported vulnerabilities for Google Chrome in the third quarter of 2011 although “none of the vulnerabilities in Chrome were as severe as some of those found in Microsoft products.” Microsoft was at the top spot in 2011’s second quarter report.
The third quarter report stated, “The increase in the number of attacks targeting Chrome may primarily be due to the browser’s increasing usage and popularity. The speed by which Chrome is developed, which limits the amount of time for internal and external bug testing prior to product release, may have something to do with Google’s rise in ranking as well.”
This quarter, Oracle was in second place with Trend Micro’s report stating that it was, “most probably due to the vendor’s acquisition of Sun Microsystems and its Java products. The fact that Oracle’s codebase is rather large and complicated to maintain may have also contributed to the rise in the number of exploitable bugs in its products, causing it to climb from the top 5 spot in the second quarter to the top 2 spot this quarter. “
Microsoft dropped to the third spot this quarter. A whole other kind of security issues by Microsoft made it to the headlines like them turning over the Rustock botnet case to the FBI, tracking scammers down, and stopping the Kelihos botnet. Another type of Microsoft news made it to the headlines like buying Skype, the upcoming release of Windows 8 and the Windows Phone 7’s Mango update.
Apple, although having a number of security issues, is at the fourth place with issues involving PDF security holes and iOS unsigned code operations.
Other breaches, scams, security attacks, and exploits that happened in the previous quarter were also reported by Trend Micro. Noted issues included the Justin Bieber video scam and the DroidDreamLight Android malware which affected LinkedIn users. The US was also no longer found in the list of top 10 spammers.